Senin, 15 Juni 2015

Still Wake up

Hi blog readers!
What' up?
It's a midnight and I'm still WAKE UP!
Such a rare thing for a girl like me hahaha :D
Should we celebrate this????
My friends know that I'm a sleep lover and always go to bed early. I don't like being sleepless because I hate being sleepy on the next day. When I'm sleepy, I can't concentrate well and being a lazy person (well honestly it's just an alibi though xoxo)
So, why do I still wake up?
The answer is.... hmmmmm.....
I'm not sure hehehe :D
I just done watching drama and now I cant sleep. Tomorrow I'll have a discussion class in the morning. Not sure whether I can make it or not.
Do you miss me??? I know you do hehehe
this is my selca! Lets smile :)

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