This is the last week for us to meet each other
We're gonna say goodbye soon
Before that time comes
I'm so glad that finally we can talk like a friend
Do you know how much I was trembling?
thump, thump, thump......
I could hear my heart beat
But I try to keep it for my self
I tried to look at your eyes
And I couldn't stand it but smile
Even though our conversation is too short
But I feel like I got the whole world
Because for the first time in the last 5 years
There is someone who can make me feel like this again
And It's You
Thank You for always being there when I need You
I'm sorry for hurting you
But still, thank you ....
Weeeessss siape tuh ti? Wkwk
BalasHapusseseorang dar :)
Hapusdara blognya apa? kasih link dong..