Minggu, 06 September 2015

Lion Heart

Annyeong :)
I'm just done covering another Girls' Generation's song called Lion Heart. I think it's gonna be one of my favorite. It has a retro tempo with a little touch of rap in the end of the song. The choreography is so fun and easy to learn. I learned it in only 2 days! The lyric is about a girl who want to tame a lion heart man. The album has a similar name that came out with 2 title tracks, the another one called You Think. While in Lion heart has a fun yet lovely melody, You think have a strong tempo and powerful voice. You think lyric tell us about a guy who spread a rumors about his ex after they broke up. My fav line is the chorus when the girl says "You think you real cool? You're not! Boy, you ain't cooler than me, nah!"

I really love this album. The opening song in that video is also from it. The song title is Green Light and of course, I like it too :)
Enjoy people :)
Bye :)

Senin, 13 Juli 2015

A little bit more...

Hello guys :)
Do you know what time it is?
It must be blogging time :) xoxo


I dont know why I'm here writing this stuff. I just feeling full and empty at the same time. Right now, it just like I get everything I want. Even about my last post, I get it too. But, at some point, I want to take a rest. I'm tired. I want to sleep. I want to dream.

Can you see that? I mean, my face. No! I mean, my expression. I'm smiling, right? But, as the quote saying, "Dont judge a book by its cover". Can we use it right now??

See the book that I hold? Hmm... You can say it's a book that knows what I'll do and did. It's not diary of course. I'm not a kind of girl who write about everything I faced in one day in the book. Yes, I was. But I dont have time for doing that anymore. That book is like my journal.

Well, the more I think about it, the more I get worried. So, I'm just gonna do it as it used to be. I keep saying to myself, "just a little bit more Putri, hang on! You've been faced everything and here you are. You are damn awesome! You've proved them. You slayed!! It just a little rock. Kick it!".

You guys must be not understand this. But, I dont care hahahaha :P

Rabu, 17 Juni 2015

Recent Fav Kdrama & Songs

Unlike the other post, today I wanna share about my current favorite songs. So, I just watched korean drama entitled "Who are you? (School 2015)". Well, I have to say that it's a should watched drama! Why??? Because everything in that drama is so well organized. The plot, actors, actresses, even the soundtrack is so damn gooddddd. I really enjoyed watch it. Every characters in the drama have a good role, their acting is so professional. I love how the story flow. I think it's one of the best kdrama I've ever watched. But I don't really like the ending. Because I expect Eun Bi will end up with Tae Kwang. Sincerely! I have a gloomy day because she ends up with Yi Ahn. It's not like I hate Yi Ahn, but I'm a super Eun Bi and Tae Kwang shipper! I wish Yi Ahn will be together with Eun Byul. If it was going to be like I said, it must be become an awesome ending. My heart is so breaking when I see Tae Kwang broken heart :(
So, you guys must be wondering why I keep telling about the drama while the title of this post is about my fav songs Lol :D
Just like I said before, this drama has a good soundtrack. There are totally 8 songs. And guess what? I love all of them. All of the melody is really good to hear. My super favorite one is Reset. The second one is Return, and the third one is Love Song. I bet you won't regret when you listen to them. This is the list:
1. Baechigi - Fly With The Wind
2. Byul - Remember
3. Jonghyun & Taemin - That Name
4. Reset (feat. 진실 Of Mad Soul Child)
5. Return (With 육지담) (Wendy of Red Velvet)
6. Love Song (Feat. 박혜수)
7. Yoon Mi Rae - I'll listen to what you have to say (너의 얘길 들어줄게)
8. Younha- Pray (기도)

Enjoy listening <3

note: Honestly tomorrow I'll have a KKD exam and I'm still here writing random things hehehe. Wish me luck, guyss :)

Senin, 15 Juni 2015

Still Wake up

Hi blog readers!
What' up?
It's a midnight and I'm still WAKE UP!
Such a rare thing for a girl like me hahaha :D
Should we celebrate this????
My friends know that I'm a sleep lover and always go to bed early. I don't like being sleepless because I hate being sleepy on the next day. When I'm sleepy, I can't concentrate well and being a lazy person (well honestly it's just an alibi though xoxo)
So, why do I still wake up?
The answer is.... hmmmmm.....
I'm not sure hehehe :D
I just done watching drama and now I cant sleep. Tomorrow I'll have a discussion class in the morning. Not sure whether I can make it or not.
Do you miss me??? I know you do hehehe
this is my selca! Lets smile :)

Sabtu, 13 Juni 2015

My Turn!

Right now is my turn!
I'll never let it go!
I've been waiting for this time!

Hello readers, you know what? There is something I want to do this time. When I was in high school, I never can do it. I spent my time just sitting and watch them win. But right now, no! I'm not gonna do it anymore. I'll take the seat! There's quote saying, "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can not do". So, just let me do! Back then, there are many people underestimate me, they always bring me down. I couldn't held my head up. I was hiding in my shell. Waiting in my comfort zone. Limiting my ability. Shouting in my heart. Never brave enough to do this and that.

Now, it's renewed me. I'll work hard. play hard, study hard, and show them what I can. I still want to go there. My dream is still waiting for me. I won't sit down and watch it burn. I should make it up. I've been crawling all this time. Now is turn to run! Time is chasing me. I'm going to catch it all.


Minggu, 24 Mei 2015


haloo semuanyaaaaaaa :D
Udah lama banget ya aku nggak ngepost lagi.
Nah, jadi kali ini aku mau ngepost sesuatu yang #PENTING (menurut aku). Apa itu? ayo tebakkkk hehehe :D Udah aku kasi bocoran loh dijudulnya...
Jadi, 3 hari yang lalu, tepatnya tanggal 21 Mei 2015, Putri Sondang Pasaribu genap berumur 20 tahun #UYEEEEEEE
udah kepala dua, berasa udah tuaa :(
aku mau ceritain nih kronologis apa aja yang terjadi pada tanggal it
kita mulai dari subuh yaaaa
jadi ceritanya hari itu aku ada ujian KKD. apa itu KKD? KKD itu singkatan dari keterampilan klinis dasar. karna ini lagi modul kardiovaskular, jadi yg diujiankan ada pemeriksaan tanda vital, pemeriksaan fisik jantung, pengukuran JVP, dan pemasangan EKG. Banyak banget kannnn? Bayangin aja aku belajarnya baru dikit banget, cuman secuil! Aku mulai belajarnya subuh kira2 jam 1 atau 2 gitu. Dengan setengah nyawa nyoba ngapal-ngapalin checklist. Udah selesai belajar aku langsung lanjut tidur lagi. Untung aja gak telat bangun.
Pas udah sampe dikampus aku anteng-anteng aja. Ada latihan dikit lah sama ayi waktu itu, tapi masalahnya aku belum prnah masang EKG sendiri. Palingan Cuma ngeliatin doang. Waktu pengen belajar sama Egy, ehhh nama aku dipanggil. Dalam hati udah banyak-banyak doa semoga dapet fasil yang baik hati dan gak buat gugup. Pas masuk ruangan, jeng jeng jengggg... ternyata dokter Mitra #Horeeeee :D pas awal-awal agak gugup. Biasa lah ya kalo ujian KKD kayak kena sindrom gitu. Mual, muntah, anoreksia, sedikit amnesia, gagap, sakit perut, poliuria, pokoknya banyak banget deh hahaha :D pas liat probandus nya ternyata Asjat, dia lumayan bisa diajak kerjasama lah.  Waktu pemeriksaan tanda vital, asli aku cepat banget. Soalnya gak mau kehabisan waktu. Pemeriksaan jantung pas perkusinya yg makan wktu banyak, mana tangan gemeteran lagi kan. Pemasangan EKG agak lumayan deh, soalnya udah ada bekas merah2 bulat gitu didadanya Asjat. Jadi gampang hahaha. Dan yang senengnya itu waktu selesainya pas banget pake bangetttt.. kasian temen2 aku yg lainnya, banyak yg gak selesai soalnya huhuhu :(
Selesai ujian aku langsung cus pulang ke rumah. Dirumah mama udah ada, soalnya mau masak buat acara partangiangan nanti malam. Walaupun sedikit, setidaknya aku berkontribusi dalam pembuatan makanan. Walaupun cuman beli kelapa parut+aqua+daun jeruk aja hehehe :D aku coba ngeliat tab aku, siapa tau ada yg ngucapin selamat ulang tahun gitu #NgarepBanget. Dan ternyata ADAAAAAA :D di hp juga trnyata ada yg ngucapin muehehehe. jam setengah 3 balik lagi kekampus sambil nganterin mama ke pasar. Sampe dikampus, kelas sepi banget kayak kuburan. Syukur aja kuliah radiologinya jadi.
Pulang kerumah udah magrib. Acara partangiangan pun dimulai. Seperti biasa aku yg buat doa. Pas diakhir acaranya papa Elin jadi MC buat acara ultah aku hehehe :D maacii papa Elinn.. nih aku kasih foto-fotonya waktu ituuu.

nih aku kasi videonya hehehe

selesai acara seperti biasa aku nyuci piring wkwkwk
selesai beres2 langsung tidur, padahal besoknya ada ujian praktikum :')

akhirnya ceritanya selesaiii horayyyyyy
hari ini udah tanggal 24, cuaca mendung banget. nih aku kasi fotonya
gelap banget kan? kayak masa depan lo? hahaha
nggak ding bercanda doang..
sampe sini aja ya ceritanya.. dadaaaaa #muahhh #twenty #21051995 #21051015 #blessed

Minggu, 25 Januari 2015

Eternal Love

Michael Learns to Rock - Eternal Love
It's a beautiful feeling
What we got deep inside
We got a flame that will last forever
Together you and I
Such a rush of emotions
There's no way we can push it away
Cuz they'll never tear our love apart
Our bond will never break
Do you believe in the power
Of everlasting love
We can make it if we stay together
Our love is just enough
Promise me this forever
We'll always stay this way
We can start at the end of time
And do it all again
Oh my love
I'm all yours
And there will never be another one
‘cause I'm eternally yours
My heart's a flame
And it's burning in your name
Even through the sands of time
My love will always grow
And I won't let go
No matter if you're near of far
Our bond will never break
Promise me this forever
We'll always stay this way
We can start at the end of time
And do it all again
Oh my love
I'm all yours
And there will never be another one
‘cause I'm eternally yours
My heart's a flame
And it's burning in your name
Even through the sands of time
My love will always grow
And I won't let go
It's a beautiful feeling
We've got deep inside
And there will never be another one
‘cause I'm eternally yours
My heart's a flame
Such a rush of emotions
Burning in your name
We can't push it away
Even through the sands of time
My love will always grow
My eternal love
Hello peopleee :)
I wanna share my secret with you hehehe :D
So, yesterday I came to an event. I dont need to mention its name because it's a secret. Do you know what? When I came there, I wish nothing, just wanna spent my saturday night. When I walked into the table, I saw someone. I guessed I know him. But I wasnt sure enough. I even talked and smile with Him. I said, "Should I sign too?" But He just stared at me and nodded his head. He didnt say anything. He looked at my writing, and when I write where I came from, he turned his head. So I guessed it wasnt him. Because if it were him, He must be greeted me, and even holler at me. So I just came in the place and thought hard about him. But, when I saw him for a second time, I'm just totally sure it's him!!! And for the third time, I was exit the place and I saw him again. He looked at me, but then he just turned his head. Its like He didnt want to see me. Then I just walked past him. I looked at my back, and he just like looked at his back too. Like he wanted to see me. I'm just so confused! if it wasnt him, why he should turned his head? I mean, we've known each other and we've laughed together. Even we joked together. We just didnt meet each other for about a year. I admit it was my fault too because I didnt greet him. But it because I wasnt sure it was him. But one thing I'm sure about is I'm falling for him, again! Fyi, I ever liked him. But because in that time he had someone, so I just forget him. But when I see him now, my heart is trembling. The lyric above (and even the melody) describe my feeling right now.... Will it works? I dont know. Just time that can answer me :)
Jesus, please blesses this one :) pleaseeee :) thank you, love You! <3

Kamis, 22 Januari 2015

Road to Doctor #2

Haloooooo :)
Apa kabar?
Masih pada hidup kannn? Hehehee
Kalo aku? Hmmm... not bad, nor good.
I'm doing my minithesis now. But it seems it's gonna be though. Honestly, I've been preparing my thesis's title for such a long time. But when I get into this point of time, everything is just out of my control. Well, you know, my faculty having some problems with a hospital. And guess what? The hospital is a place where I'm gonna took the sample. It sucks, isnt it?
So, I use my brain (finally!) to survey which hospitals that suit my category. First, it must be have patients. Second, it's public. Third, located in Pontianak. But I found none of them have these. And I'm just like, God, please...... :')
As you know I'm not easily giving up with something (including man) xoxoxo :D
So, I choose a new hospital. Well honestly it's not that new, it's been operating for about 2 years. But when I go there, I found no patients. I feel doubt! Totally doubt! :(
But as it says "dont judge a book by its cover", so I took my step into the hospital. Send the letter, and wait for the confirmation. And today is the third day of waiting, and still no confirmation. For a second time, I feel doubt.
I ever thought to change from analytic into experimental. But, an experience of going to hospital by myself and interview the patiens based on their medical record is such a WOW!!!
Dont you think so? Please think so :')
Please pray for my minithesis. Pleaseeee..... ♥♥
Xie xie nimen :)
Zai jian!
See you in the next post xoxo :D